Question: Google | SWE | Online Screening | 22-08-2020
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Problem 1

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You are given an Array A of size N and an integer N.

Find the minimum vale K such that the number of subarrays of A having XOR value of at most K is atleast X.

  • 1 <= N <= 105
  • 1 <= X <= N x (N+2) / 2
  • 1 <= A[i] <= 106

Sample Input :

4 7 1 2 3 4

Sample Output :


Explanation :

Given number of subarrays to be atleast 7, i.e. X = 7.

So if we select the value for K to be 3, number of subarrays of A having XOR value atmost 3 is 6.

If we select the minimum value for K to be 4, number of subarrays of A having XOR value atmost 4 is 8.

So, the minimum value of K for which number of subarrays of A is atleast 7, each of which have XOR value of atmost K is 4.

Problem 2

Given an subarray A of size N, you need to find a triplet say Ai, Aj, Ak with maximum sum which respects following two conditions :-

  • i < j < k
  • Ai <= Aj <= Ak

This problem is almost same as Mock Interview - II !

ADD COMMENTlink 4.6 years ago papa 410
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Problem 1
For now I can think of a O(N*logN*log(max(A[i]))) solution which in the worst case would be around O(400*N), pretty tight.

The idea is to first build a prefix xor trie.

Now, for some prefix xor p[i] we can query the trie for the number of prefix xors p[j], j < i which follow p[i]^p[j] <= K. Let this value be X[i].
We want the sum of X[i] for i in [0,n-1] to be atleast X.

Now this above part can be calculated for a fixed K. But we don't have a fixed K.
It turns out we can binary search for K. Why? Because the summation of X[i] is non-decreasing as we increase K.

Time Complexity Analysis

Binary Search for K - log(106)
Querying the trie - N*log(N)
Overall - N*logN*log(106)

If someone can improve this please comment.

Problem 2
From a glance, I can say that just maintain a non-decreasing stack iterating over the values of the array from left to right, and at last if the stack has more than 2 elements then the answer is the sum of top 3 elements of the stack.
I am pretty much sure this works.

Time Complexity Analysis

O(N) - Why? Every element gets popped and pushed only once.

ADD COMMENTlink 4.5 years ago vaibhavr • 370

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