Can you please clarify why all occurrences of a particular element is clubbed in same array?
Role: Software Engineer Intern
Stipend: BTech 65k per month, MTech 70k per month.
Benefits: Intern housing, Airfare and Insurance.
Eligible Courses and Branches:
B.Tech, M.Tech: CS, EC, EI, EE
No URs and Backlogs
CGPA >= 7
Number if Rounds: 2
Round 1: Coding Round
There were two problems which were medium level, based on hashing and the second one based on hashing + string + sorting, which I have solved in 10 min. The Coding Round tool place in Hackerrank platform.
15 were shortlisted after Coding Round.
Round 2: Technical + HR
Two questions were asked in the technical round.
First one: Array Partition
In above question, I told the exact logic behind it, because there is a lot of edge cases in this question, so i told all the logic/edge cases, but was not able to code it.
Other question was a medium level one, I solved it in a very fast manner, with the complete code, means including header file, take input and every other minute detail.
Then they focused on my project and were asking a lot of questions on project like How you did your project, what is the logic behind it, what was your role and many other things, wherein I discussed my project, in a very detailed manner, I told all the API that i have made in my project, and how it is working.
At the end some basic HR questions were also asked. And that is how the interview concluded.
Verdict: Selected
Tips: Don't be in a comfortable position in the interview.
Given an array, partition it into two arrays A and B, such that A intersection B is empty set, A union B gives the whole array back, the sum of values in set A must be strictly greater than sum of values in set B, and number of elements in set A must be minimal.
In first look, this problem looks easy, but greedy approach won't work.
Here are some test cases:
[2,5,5,9] => [2,9] (we won't necessarily take the largest values)
[2,2,4,5,5,11] => [4,11] (we won't necessarily take the smallest values either)
[5,5,5,10,10,10,11] => [10,10,10] (and we won't even necessarily take any largest value)
Hence, this is a knapsack problem.
will convert to [{1,2},{2,2},{3,1},{4,2}]
(sorted the array too)DP(i,j)
, where i denotes we have checked until i in arr2, and j means the sum till now is j, and DP(i,j)
denotes minimum number of elements till i to make sum j.vector<int> solve(vector<int> a)
vector<pair<int,int>> v;
map<int,int> m;
int s=0;
for(auto x:a)
for(auto x:m)
int n=v.size();
const int inf=1e9;
vector<vector<int>> dp(n+1,vector<int>(s+1,inf));
vector<vector<int>> prev(n+1,vector<int>(s+1,-1));
for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++)
int curr=v[i-1].first*v[i-1].second;
for(int j = curr;j <= s;j++)
if(dp[i-1][j-curr]+v[i-1].second < dp[i][j])
for(int j = 0;j <= s;j++)
if(dp[i-1][j] < dp[i][j])
vector<pair<int,int>> anstemp;
int mn=inf,ind=-1;
for(int j=s/2+1;j<=s;j++)
if(mn > dp[n][j])
int iind=n;
vector<int> ans;
for(auto x:anstemp)
for(int i = 0;i < x.second;i++)
return ans;
Time Complexity: O(N*S)
, where S is the sum of the array.
Bro I have some doubt can i get your number/contact details