Question: Paytm SDE | Online Round | OnCampus| 12th Sept
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<h2>About Coding Round</h2>

  • Languages allowed - c#,c++,c,java
  • Multiple sets of 3 questions. Below discussed is from one such set.
  • Platform - cocubes
  • Time -70 min only 3 coding question
  • we were allowed only to check some test cases only 4-5.
  • </ul> <hr> <h2>Coding Round</h2> <h3>Problem 1 (3 marks)</h3> Given a list of numbers and a digit k, find which number has the largest occurrence of k digit. Return that number<br> <h3>Problem 2 (3 marks)</h3> Given coins of rs 1,2,5,10,100,20,2000 and an amount find fewest no of coins to make the sum<br>

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    <h3>Problem 3 (5 marks)</h3> Minimum no of cuts to make all substring palindromic.<br> <pre> Example Input: geek <br> Example Output: 2 <br> Explanation: g ee k (2 cuts required)<br></pre>

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Question 3 Palindrome Partitioning


  • Given a string, a partitioning of the string is a palindrome partitioning if every substring of the partition is a palindrome.
  • Determine the fewest cuts needed for a palindrome partitioning of a given string.
  • If a string of length n contains all different characters, then minimum n-1 cuts are needed.


  • A solution is to initialize an array cut[n] which will denote the minimum cuts required till index i.
  • Also initialize a 2-d array named palindrome with false which denotes if the string from index i to j is a palindrome or not.
  • Now apply 2 for loops, the first loop would be for i from 0 to n-1 and the second loop would be for j which would be from 0 to i.
  • Now we need to find the minimum cut required up to index i.
  • Initialize a variable minCut=i, for each index i which is the maximum value for the current prefix.
  • To calculate this for index i, we would consider all index j from 0 to i and see if s[j..i] is a palindrome, if so assign minCut `as min( minCut, cut[j-1]+1).`
  • In cut[j-1]+1 , 1 stands for 1 cut in between j-1 and j and cut[j-1] stands for minimum cut up to j-1.
  • Assign cut[i] = minCut.
  • At last print the answer as cut[n-1].
  • Time Complexity : O(n*n)


ll n;
cin &gt;&gt; n;
string s;
cin &gt;&gt; s;
ll cut[n];             // declare an array cut denoting minimum cuts required till index i
bool palindrome[n][n]; // initialize a 2-d array named palindrome with false which denotes if index i to j is a palindrome or not
memset(palindrome, false, sizeof(palindrome));
for (ll i = 0; i &lt; n; i++)
    ll minCut = i; // initialize a variable minCut as the length of current prefix-1 which is the maximum value
    for (ll j = 0; j &lt;= i; j++)
        if (s[i] == s[j] &amp;&amp; (i - j &lt; 2 || palindrome[j + 1][i - 1])) // now we know the value of cut[j] for all j less than i
            palindrome[j][i] = true;                             // now if the string from j to i is a palindrome
            minCut = min(minCut, j == 0 ? 0 : (cut[j - 1] + 1)); // In cut[j-1]+1, 1 stands for 1 cut in between j-1 and j  and cut[j-1] stands for minimum cut upto j-1
    cut[i] = minCut; // assign minCut to cut[i] which is minimum cut required upto index i
cout &lt;&lt; cut[n - 1] &lt;&lt; endl; // print the required answer
ADD COMMENTlink 2.2 years ago Ujjwal Srivastava 320

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