Given an array arr of n integers, choose any element of the array that has multiple digits and replace it with any substring of the integer. In this context, a substring of an integer is considered as any contiguous segment of digits of the integer. For example, 728, 86, 2, 37 etc. are the substrings of the integer 372862 which 322, 7862 are not.
Sort the array by performing the operation any number of times. Find the lexicographically smallest sorted array possible. If it is not possible to create a sorted array in this manner, report [-1] as the
answer i.e. an array containing a single element, -1.
Note: An array x of length n is lexicographically smaller than an array y of length n if there exists an i (0 < i <n), such that x[i] < y[i], and for anyj (0 ≤ j < 1)x(]=yül.
Suppose n-3 and arr-[9, 112, 425),
It is optimal to delete the digits 2 from 112 and 4 from 425 to get the array [9, 11, 25].
Complete the function getSmallestSortedArray in the editor below
getSmallest SortedArray has the following parameter:
int arr[n]: an array of integers
int[n]: The lexicographically smallest sorted array possible or an array containing a single integer -1 if it is not possible.
• 1≤n _<105
• O_< arr[i] _< 109
Sample Input For Custom Testing
3 --> arr[] size n=3
3 --> arr = [3,32,4]
Sample Output
// by squirtle
vector<int> solve(vector<int> &v){
int n = v.size();
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
int minm=v[0];
minm = min(minm, v[0]%10);
v[0] = minm;
int prevlen = to_string(v[i-1]).size();
string currnum = to_string(v[i]);
int minm = v[i];
for(int s=prevlen; s<=prevlen+1; s++){
for(int k=0; k+s-1<currnum.size(); k++){
if(stoi(currnum.substr(k, s))>=v[i-1])
minm = min(minm, stoi(currnum.substr(k, s)));
if(minm<v[i-1]) return {-1};
else v[i] = minm;
return v;
int main() {
vector<int> v = {3, 2642, 54};
auto ans = solve(v);
for(auto n: ans) cout<<n<<" ";
return 0;
will it work for 10 power 9 constraint ?
it should as for every index we are going through 9^3 of length at max , which makes 27*10^5 which is admissible