Question: [Offer] OPTUM | On-Campus | 15-Sep-2020 | SDE
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OPTUM visited JIIT Noida for hiring only female candidates.
CTC 7.15 LPA

Online Round

1 coding question.

For an array of N numbers you can pick any two numbers, add them and place the new number back into the array. You have to repeat this until you are left with only 1 number. Cost of each such operation is defined as the sum of numbers being added. Find out the minimum total cost in which the final stage can be achieved.



Thorough discussion of resume.
Each and every project was discussed very deeply and precisely.


Coding question.

A string is good if the count of all distinct characters in it is divisible by a common prime number. For a given string find whether it is good or not.

It was followed by a rapid fire of OOPS / OS / DBMS / CN .

Ultimately she was offered by the company.

Tips from the candidate

1. Sound knowledge of underlying principles of STL is very beneficial.
2. Keep your calm in interviews. For an interviewer you are just another candidate. Its up to you how you drive the interview. Always stay relaxed and focused.
ADD COMMENTlink 4.5 years ago Shubhendu Goel • 450

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