Question: Uber OA | FTE | 26th July 2023 | Maximum number of Fruits | Minimum Score | Maximum Number of Colleges
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Question 1

Maximum number of Fruits

Given a healthy tree with N nodes rooted at node 1 and each node having some number of fruits attached to it. In one operation, you can collect all the fruits of a node and keep it to yourself. 

A tree is called healthy if from the root node to every leaf node there is at least one node with some number of fruits.

Output the maximum number of fruits you can collect from the tree.

Sample Input


tree=[0, 1, 1, 2,2]

fruits= [7.4, 2, 3, 4]

Explanation: You can fruits from node 1,4.5. The tree will still remain healthy as from the root node to every leaf there is at least one node with fruits.

  • [execution time limit] 3 seconds (java).
  • [memory limit] 1 GB
  • [input] integer n

Number of nodes of tree, 1<n<=100000

  • [input] array.integer tree

Every element defines the parent of the ith node. For 1, the value will always be 0 as it is the root node. Given tree can be n-ary i.e. a node of a tree can have any number of child nodes.

  • [input] array.integer fruits

Every element defines a number of fruits for ith node 0<Ai<= 10^9 .

  • [output] integer64

Maximum number of fruits you can collect

Question 3

Minimum Score

You are given a 1-indexed array of size N and you need to construct a directed graph from this array such that it satisfies the following conditions

1. Any directed edge between two nodes will have a value that will define the distance between those two nodes. These values can also be negative.

2. There should be connectivity between every pair of nodes i.e. there should be a path of edges that connect every pair of the node in the graph.

3. Minimum distance of node i from node 1 should be equal to arr[i]. It is given that arr[1] will always be 0. The score of a graph is defined as the sum of the values of the directed edges in the graph.

Output the minimum score you can get by generating any graph which satisfies the above conditions.


n = 2

arr = [0,2]

Two edges can be there where the value of the edge from 1->2 will pe 2 and from 2->1 will be -2. This graph satisfies all the conditions mentioned and the sum of value of the edges will be 0.

[execution time limit] 0.5 seconds (cpp) .

[memory limit] 1 GB

[Input] integer n 

Number of nodes in the graph.


[input] array.integer arr

Array arr where the ith node will represent the distance of node ith from 1. arr[1] = 0, 0<= arr[i]<=10^9

[output] integer64

Mimum score of the graph

Question 3

Maximum Number of Colleges

You are going to start a Debate Club in your College and want to make its opening as eye-catchy as possible! You came up with the idea of having a mock round table conference among the students of your college. To make this event a success you sent out invitations to your colleagues.

Your colleagues are ready to come to your conference but only on one condition. Each colleague has a friend and will only attend the event if they get to sit next to that friend. Of course, the friend cannot be the person himself.

The colleagues are numbered from 0 to N-1

To make this event asucces you have to make sure that it gets attended by the maximum number of people possible.

Here, a 0-indexed integer array "friends" is given, where friends[i] denotes the friend of the ith colleague. Return the maximum number of colleagues that can be invited to the meeting.



friends = [3,0,1,4,1]

Output: 4

Explanation:Colleague 2 cannot be invited because the two spots next to their friend 1 are taken. So the company leaves them out of the meeting. The maximum number of employees that can be invited to the meeting is 4.


N== friends.length

2 <= N<= 10^4

0 <= friends[i] <= N - 1

friends[i] != i

  • [execution time limit] 0.5 seconds (cpp)
  • [memory limit] 1 GB .
  • [input] array.integer friends
  • [output] integer




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