Question: Atlassian OA | IIT Patna | SWE Internship | 2023
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What were the constraints on all the 3 problems?
Please provide them too...

ADD REPLYlink 14 months ago
• 10
Entering edit mode

1<= n <= 2*10^5

ADD REPLYlink 14 months ago
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// recursive solution of question 3;

int fun(int j, string s, int n){

    if(j==n) return 1;

    if(s[j-1]=='a') return fun(j+1, s+'e', n);

    else if(s[j-1]=='e') return fun(j+1, s+'a', n) + fun(j+1, s+'i',n);

    else if(s[j-1]=='i') return fun(j+1, s+'a', n)+fun(j+1, s+'e', n)+fun(j+1, s+'o', n)+fun(j+1, s+'u', n);

    else if(s[j-1]=='o') return fun(j+1, s+'i',n)+fun(j+1,s+'u',n);

    else return fun(j+1, s+'a', n);


int countperms(int n){

    int ans = 0;

    vector<char> v = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'};


    for(int i=0;i<5;i++){

        ans += fun(1, to_string(v[i]), n);



    return ans;


ADD COMMENTlink 14 months ago Aman Shankar Singh • 50

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