Amazon visited TIET for 6-month Internship.
Stipend 60k monthly
Interview Round-1
1. For a B-tree print its Apex. Apex of a B-tree is defined as the first and last element at each level.
Your task is to optimise it to
O(log(N)) and cover cases where a node might not have children.
2. For a string prints its next lexicographic permutation.
3. Swap two integers without using any extra variables. (Both arithmetic and bitwise)
Interview Round-2
1. For a 2-D array sorted both row wise and column wise find the
kth largest element.
2. A string has characters from the set {
( ,
) ,
* }.
Assuming the value of * as either
( or
) or
empty find whether the string can be balanced or not.
I solved all the questions in the 1st round but was stuck on some corner cases in the last question of 2nd round and alas rejected.
They finally made offer to a total of 16 students.