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Online Round
20 MCQs from OS,DBMS and DSA
1st Coding Question
In old mobile systems to type 'a' we had to press 2 once, to type 'b' we had to type 2 twice, to type 'o' we had to type 6 thrice. For a string of digits calculate the number of possible decodings. For Example, 222 -> c,ba,ab,aaa
2nd Coding Question
You are given 2 strings. Find out if the 1st string contains a permutation of 2nd string as a contiguous substring or not. For example, helloworld woo Ans is true.
Interview Round-1
1st Question
Find the largest area of a rectangle in a histogram. (Solved it in O(N) time and space).
2nd Question
Find whether a binary tree is a mirror image of itself or not (Solved in O(N) time and constant space).
3rd Question
Insertion in AVL Tree. Had to code and run all the problems. (Total time 1 hour)
Interview Round-2
1st Question
Check if a tree is a subtree of a bigger tree or not. (Solved it in constant space and less than O(N*M) time)
2nd Question
Given Mappings [ A -> 1, B -> 2, C -> 3, ..... , Z->26 ] For a string 1233212, Decode the total number of combinations and cover cases which do have a 0 in it. Had to code and run both the questions.
3rd Question
Name any 2 cache techniques used commonly and write pseudo code for them. I did LRU and Most Frequently Used.
4th Question
Difference between SQL and NoSQL. Which to use and when.
5th Question
Explain deadlock and the idea behind bankers algorithm. (Total time 70 minutes)