Q1) Pretty simple House Robber problem on Leetcode.
using ll=long long int ;
int main() {
vector <ll> dp(100000,0);
vector <ll> v={10,15};
int sz=v.size();
for (int i=2;i<=sz;i++) {
return 0;
Q2) SImple greedy solution. Solution is independent of values of array. I mean we can sort the array in reverse and try to build answer step by step. Since array is sorted , let say at level x, we have k values then at level x+1, we will have <k values and width constraint is already satisfied. Eg: at level 3 we have 30,30,30,30 then at level 4 we can atmax have 30,30 ,30 which satisfies the both width and no of boxes constrainsts. I think it is basic math question. I don't see any edges but maybe I am missing something !
//Code starts
using ll=long long int;
int main() {
ll n;
vector <ll> v(n,0);
for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
ll cnt=1;
while ( ((cnt)*(cnt+1))<=(2*n)) {
return 0;