Question: AlgoUniversity Technology Fellowship: Stage 2 || Important Questions
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ATF STAGE 2 Important Questions

1. K Closest

Topic: Binary Search

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Given an array of N integers and a value 'X', find the k closest integers to 'X', preferring smaller values when distances are the same. Output the k-closest integers in ascending order.

2. Avoiding Landmines

Topic: Graphs

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You need to find the shortest path from a source city to a target city in a graph of N cities and M roads, while avoiding cities with landmines. If reaching the target city is impossible without crossing a landmine, return -1.

3. Sum of 3 equals K

Topic: Two Pointers

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Given an array of N integers and a target value K, check if there exist three distinct integers in the array whose sum equals K. Print "Yes" if such integers exist, otherwise print "No".

4. Next Greater Element

Topic: Stack

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In this problem, for each element in the array, you are tasked to find the next greater element on its right side. If no such element exists, return -1.

5. Longest Subarray Divisible by K

Topic: Hashing

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In this problem, you are asked to find the longest subarray of a given array that is divisible by a given integer K. The array may contain negative values as well.

6. House Robbery

Topic: Dynamic Programming

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I hope I will select second stage using this questions, thanks for sharing this questions sir this may very useful for me thanking you sir

ADD COMMENTlink 14 days ago B.purandeswari • 20
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I hope I will select second stage using this questions, thank you sir for sharing questions.


ADD COMMENTlink 14 days ago D.Ghousiya • 10
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I hope  I will select second stage using this questions, thanks for sharing this questions sir this may very useful for me thanking you sir

ADD COMMENTlink 14 days ago Lalitha • 10
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I hope I will select for the second stage. i am thrilled to be part of the AlgouniversityTechnologyFellowshipOver the past few months, I have significantly improved my skills in programming and data analysis. I look forward to applying what I've learned in upcoming projects and further developing my expertise in technology 

ADD COMMENTlink 14 days ago Bandarla kusuma • 10
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Good evening sir, I hope I will select second stage using this questions, thanks for sharing this questions sir this may very useful for me thanking you sir

ADD COMMENTlink 14 days ago M.venkatalakshmi • 0

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