Topic: Binary Search
Given an array of N integers and a value 'X', find the k closest integers to 'X', preferring smaller values when distances are the same. Output the k-closest integers in ascending order.
Topic: Graphs
You need to find the shortest path from a source city to a target city in a graph of N cities and M roads, while avoiding cities with landmines. If reaching the target city is impossible without crossing a landmine, return -1.
Topic: Two Pointers
Given an array of N integers and a target value K, check if there exist three distinct integers in the array whose sum equals K. Print "Yes" if such integers exist, otherwise print "No".
Topic: Stack
In this problem, for each element in the array, you are tasked to find the next greater element on its right side. If no such element exists, return -1.
Topic: Hashing
In this problem, you are asked to find the longest subarray of a given array that is divisible by a given integer K. The array may contain negative values as well.
Topic: Dynamic Programming
© 2024 AlgoUniversity Technology Fellowship
I hope I will select for the second stage. i am thrilled to be part of the AlgouniversityTechnologyFellowshipOver the past few months, I have significantly improved my skills in programming and data analysis. I look forward to applying what I've learned in upcoming projects and further developing my expertise in technology