Question: Oracle Interview Questions - Oncampus 2022
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<h3>Round 1</h3>

3 coding questions: <br/>

  1. Find an element in a sorted matrix.<br/>
  2. Validate a BST<br/>
  3. Schedules are given with start time and end time, merge the overlapping schedules.<br/>

<h3>Round 2</h3>

  1. They gave a few classes and some data of students and books issue. We had to find the maximum number an author was issued by a given class of student in july month. <br/>

  2. 2 Puzzles<br/>

  3. Resume-Based Questions<br/>

<h3>Round 3</h3>

Sudoku Solver <br/>

  • i) Solve with Backtracking <br/>
  • ii) Solve without Backtracking <br/>
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