Question: Oracle - Member of Technical Staff - OnCampus (2022)
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Online Test

  1. Given a string consisting of lowercase English letters, remove the minimum number of letters such that all letter are distinct. Return the string which is lexicographically largest.
  2. Question related to apis.
  3. Question to write a Sql query.
  4. Some MCQ question related to B tree.

Round 1

  1. Delete a Node from a singly linked list
  2. Given an array of numbers, for each index calculate the product of all numbers except the number at the current index. Do this without using divsion operator.

Round 2

  1. Same question as first question of Round 1
  2. Given a number N and a linked list. Return all the numbers present in the linked list after n nodes.
  3. Some question related to project.

Round 3

  1. Question related to projects.
  2. How authentication is done.
  3. Why should we hire you.
  4. What else you do other than study.
  5. As I mentioned that I also play chess, so the interviewer asked me what life lesson I learned from chess.
  6. How would your friends describe you.
ADD COMMENTlink 2.6 years ago ashish.suman927 • 40

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