Question: HCL | 6th October | Online Assessments | Pythagorean Theorem | Reverse Bits
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Question 1

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Pythagorean Theorem

You are given two integers A and B. A represents a coordinate on the x-axis(0,A) and B represents a coordinate on the y-axis (B,0).

These are two coordinates points of a rihjt angled trisngle, the third point being the origin(0,0). You will be given N such triangles in the input. Find out and print the length of the hypotenuse of all the triangles.


  • The formula of the length of a hypotenuse = root(a^2 + b^2) where a and b represent the length of the other two sides of the triangle.
  • If the length of the hypotenuse is in decimal, round it to the next greater integer.

Input Format:

The input consist is given in the following format:

  • The first line contains an integer N denoting the number of trtiangles.
  • The next N lines contain two space-separated integers representing A and B respectively.

The input will be read from the STDIN by the candidate.

Output Format:

The output consists of N lines:

  • Each line representing the length of the hypotenuse of the ith triangle.

The output will be matched to the candidate's output printed on the STDOUT.


  • 1 <= A,B <= 10^9



20 21
8 15




The test case contains two triangles:

First triangle:

The hypotenuse = root (20^2+21^2) = 29

Second triangle:

The hypotenuse = root (8^2+15^2) = 17

Question 2

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Reverse Bits

Reverse the bits of an 32 bit unsigned integer A.

Problem Constraints 0 <= A <= 232

Input Format First and only argument of input contains an integer A.

Output Format Return a single unsigned integer denoting the decimal value of reversed bits.

Example 1





Explanation 1:


Example 2







Question 3

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Problem Statement

You are given four integers a, b, c, and d. Find the sum of negative numbers out of these four numbers and print the same.

Note: Print 0 if no negative number is present.

Input Format:

The input consists offi single line:
The line contains four integers a, b, c, and d.
The input will be read from the STDIN by the candidate

Output Format:

Print the sum of negative numbers out of these four numbers.
The output will be matched to the candidate's output printed on the STDOUT


-103  a 103.
-103 b. 103
-103 c. 103
-103 d. 103




2 -3 -14 7




Sum of '-3' and '-14' is '-17', thus output is '-17'.

Sample input

-1 -10 2 -25

Sample Output

- 36

Instructions :


  • Program should take input from standard input and print output to standard output.
  • Your code is judged by  an automated system, do not write any additional welcome/greeting messages.
  • "Save and Test" only checks for basic test cases, more rigorous cases will be used to judge your code while scoring.
  • Additional score will be given for writing optimized code both in terms of memory and execution time
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Question 1


  • Given two integers A, B where coordinators A represent the coordinate of the x-axis (0, A) and B represents the coordination of the y-axis (B,0).
    • Given that these two coordinates A and B are points on a right-angled triangle state and the origin being (0,0).
    • We need to print the length of the hypotenuse triangle.


  • For finding the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle we need to know the formula that is the square root of( A^2+B^2).
    • Another thing in the notes we are given is that length can be in decimal too. So we need to round to the next greater integer.
    • For C++ we can simply use inbuilt function of maths header file that is hypot(adjacent,opposite) but for those who code in java or c++ can easily compute the length by hypotenuse= Math.sqrt((adjacent*adjacent)+(opposite*opposite)).
  • Time Complexity: O(1).
ADD COMMENTlink 2.4 years ago Akshay Sharma 990
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Question 2


  • We are given an integer N of 32 bits unsigned int
    • In some languages like java there is no concept of unsigned int So in that case both input and output will be signed integer type only
    • we have to reverse the bits of 32 bits unsigned int
    • After that, we have to return the decimal value of the reverse bits


  • The idea is to keep putting set bits of the N in N_reverse until N becomes zero.
  • After N becomes zero, shift the remaining bits of N_reverse.
  • N is stored using 8 bits and N will be 00000110.
  • After the loop you will get N_reverse as 00000011.
  • Now you need to left shift N_reverse 5 more times and you get the exact reverse that is 01100000.

      while (num) {
      reverse_num &lt;&lt;= 1;
      reverse_num |= num &amp; 1;
      num &gt;&gt;= 1;
  • time complexity :(logN)

ADD COMMENTlink 2.4 years ago Akshay Sharma 990
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Question 3


  • Given 4 integer values either negative or positive.
  • we need to return the sum of the negative value only.


  • Solution is quite easier for each value of a,b,c, and d check if the value is negative or positive.
  • If the value is negative maintain a sum variable initialized to 0 and all negative values one by one. If the value of any integer among 4 is positive ignore them.
  • Time complexity : 0(1)
ADD COMMENTlink 2.4 years ago Akshay Sharma 990

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