You are given four values L, R, X, and Y. Count the number of integers in the range [L,R] with the following property:
The number of digits with Odd Frequency = X and the number of digits with Even Frequency = Y.
Also (X+Y=10)
Here, the Frequency of a digit is a count of the number of times it occurs in the decimal representation of the numbers (without a leading zeros).
Note: If a digit 'd' occurs in a number 0 times, then it is considered to have an even frequency.
The answer could be an large; find it modulo (10^9 + 7).
Input Format
The first line will contain four values L, R, X and Y.
Output Format
The number of integers in [L,R] with given property modulo (10^9 + 7).
Sample Testcase
Testcase Input
1 1000 0 10
Testcase Output
There are 2 boys in a class who have been given a target, k by their class teacher.
These students have several lists of blocks having numbered from them. They are to find a block such that the largest and smallest of the remaining blocks have a difference at most as the target.
Help them find the desired box to be removed.
Input Format
Output Format
Sample Testcase
Testcase Input
3 3
5 10 2
Testcase Output
Q1) Assuming length of both L and R could be atmost 1000
It can be solved using digit dp:
Let f(int idx,bool tight,bool lead,int mask,string R) represent count of integers <=R such that we have kept numbers at position [0,idx-1] and
1.if tight=1 it means that currently number formed [0,idx-1] and R[0,idx-1] are equal
2.if tight=0 it means that currently number formed [0,idx-1] is less than R[0,idx-1]
3.if lead =1 it means that there are leading zeros currently.
Hence we can define the recursion by ub is maximum allowed digit on the idx position if tight=1 ; ub=R[idx]-'0' ; tight=0 ; ub=9:
for(d in [0,...,ub])
ans+=f(idx+1,(tight && (d==ub)),lead,(mask^(1 < < d)),s,n);
ans+=f(idx+1,(tight&&(d==ub)),0,(mask^(1 < < d)),s,n);
and the base case could be
if(count of setbits in mask is X and count of zerobits in mask is Y)
return 1
return 0
Hence the answer is f(0,1,1,0,R)-f(0,1,1,0,L-1)
We could improve the complexity by memoizing the states {idx,tight,lead,mask}
Q2) The problem can be solved using binary search over the number of elements that are to be removed. We need to find the minimum z, such that by removing some z elements of the array we can satisfy our constraint (difference of maximum and minimum is less than or equal to k). The following set of observations help us formulate the problem
Pseudo code
def check_valid(arr, n, k, n_removed):
for i in range(n_removed + 1):
if arr[n - 1 - n_removed + i] - arr[i] <= k:
return True
return False
def solve(arr, n, k):
hi = n - 1
lo = 0
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
if check_valid(arr, n, k, mid):
hi = mid
lo = mid + 1
return lo