Question: | 15 October | Alex Book
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Alex Book

Alex has a book of an infinite number of pages. Imagine practically when a book is opened 2 pages get opened 1 on left and 1 on the right side except starting page which doesn't have any page to its left. In an open book left and right page numbers which open together form a spread. 1st page doesn't have any page to its left so page number 1 itself forms a spread and further all spreads have 2-page numbers in them. The first spread contains page 1, the second spread contains pages 2 and 3, the third spread contains pages 4 and 5 and the fourth spread contains pages 6 and 7 and soon.



Determine the first-page number of the very first spread where the sum of the digits of page numbers is S. If no such spread exists, print -1.


Note: Page number 1 itself forms a spread and thus is the first page for the first spread.




  • S = 9



• The first spread contains page 1 only. the sum of digits of page number is 1.

• The second spread contains pages 2 and 3. The sum of digits of page numbers is 5(2+3).

• The third spread contains pages 4 and 5. the sum of digits of page numbers is 9(4+5).


So the third spread is the 1st spread whose sum of digits of page numbers is 9.


Thus, the answer is 4


Function Description 

Complete the function solve provided in the editor. This function takes the following parameters and returns the required answer.


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As we don't have the constraints for the problem, we can try to solve the problem for the best constraints possible. We can work out the following observations for the problem:

  • If s == 1, we simply return 1
  • Otherwise, we can notice that we just need to find the smallest even number e such that sum of digits of e and e+1 equals to s. Now suppose that the sum of digits of e is x. Since e is an even number, we can claim that the sum of digits of e+1 will be x+1. Hence , x+x+1 = s => x = (s-1)/2. Hence the problem reduces to finding the smallest even number e with a given sum of digits.

To solve this, we can assign the largest even digit at the units place possible and then keep assigning as many 9 as we can on the other positions until the sum becomes smaller than 9. After which we assign the remaining sum (which is now a digit itself) to the most significant position.


    if(s == 1):                             //edge case for the first page
        return 1
    if(s%2 == 0):                           //sum of an even and an odd number is always odd
        return -1                           //thus if s is even, we return -1
    x = (s-1)/2                             //x is the sum of digits of the required number
    ans = ""                                //ans can be large, hence we use a string
    for digit in {8,6,4,2,0}:               //trying out the largest digit possible at units place 
        if(x >= digit):                     
            x -= digit
            while(x>9):                     //keep adding 9 as many times as possible
                x -= 9 
            if(x):                          //we then append the remaining sum (if its not zero)
    return ans
ADD COMMENTlink 2.4 years ago Ayush Gangwani 1.2k

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