Avg CTC: 18lpa
Job Roles Available: Software Engineer, SE-Test and other roles
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Your friend's birthday is nearby. He asked you to take care of balloon decoration. He has bought White and Yellow balloons of N and M quantities respectively. You have to decorate the balloons by placing the balloons in a straight line in any order. He likes a decoration when there are no more than W white balloons placed successively or there are no more than Y yellow balloons placed successively.
Your friend wants to know the number of decorations that are possible from given input such that he likes the decorations.
Note: A line filled with balloons in any order is considered as a decoration.
The first and the only line contains four space separated integers N, M, W, Y
Print the number of decorations your friend will like modulo 100000000
Test case 1
2 1 1 10
Only possible way to arrange is 'white, yellow, white'
Note: 'white, white, yellow' or 'yellow, white, white' not possible because we cannot have more than 1 white.
Test case 2
2 3 1 2
In the question, it is mentioned that we have N white balloons, and M yellow balloons which need to be arranged in a line such that there are not more than W consecutive white balloons and not more than Y consecutive yellow balloons.
A naive method would be to generate all possible permutations of the balloons, and then check for each permutation whether it is a valid permutation or not. Since, all white balloons are considered as same and all yellow balloons are considered as same, the number of permutations will basically be the number of ways in which we can select the positions where the white balloons will be. So, out of a total n+m positions, we need to select n positions for the white balloons, so total possible number of ways will be n+m choose n. Also, checking each permutation, whether is valid or not will take O(m+n)
time. Now, given the constraints, n+m can go till 200, and n+m choose n will be maximized at n=100, m=100. So at that point n+m choose n will be greater than 2^100. So overall, this will take a large amount of time and will give Time Limit Exceeded verdict even though the constraints are small.
We can approach this problem using Dynamic Programming, since the constraints are small. We define the state as:
number of consecutive balloons before current_index)
So, say we are at the index current_index and we need to decide which type of balloon to place. In order to decide, we need to know a few things:
The transition for this DP will be as follows: (have abbreviated the state variables)
If we still have white balloons which we can choose (N - white should be greater than 0), and the previous balloon is yellow:
dp[curr][white][prev][prev_freq] += (dp[curr+1][white+1][1][1]) // here the 1 at the 3rd variable (previous balloon type) signifies a white balloon
If we still have white balloons which we can choose (N - white should be greater than 0), and the previous balloon is white but the prev_freq < = W:
dp[curr][white][prev][prev_freq] += (dp[curr+1][white+1][1][prev_freq+1]
If we still have yellow balloons which we can choose, and the previous balloon is white:
dp[curr][white][prev][prev_freq] += (dp[curr+1][white][2][1])
If we still have yellow balloons which we can choose, and the previous balloon is yellow, but the prev_freq < = Y:
dp[curr][white][prev][prev_freq] += (dp[curr+1][white][2][prev_freq+1]
Now, each transition takes constant time, so the only time complexity will be due to the state, which will be O(200 * 100 * 2 * 10)
= O(4 x 10^5)
Note: Here I have used the iterative form of DP, you can also try with recursive DP which is a bit easier to code but takes more time due to recursion stack. (Both of them will work)
for(ll i=0;i < = n;i++)
for(ll j=0;j < 3;j++)
for(ll k=0;k < = max_freq;k++)
dp[tot][i][j][k] = 1;
for(ll i=tot-1;i > = 0;i--)
// i = curr_index
for(ll j=min(n, i);j > = 0;j--)
// j = number of whites used
for(ll k=2;k > = 1;k--)
// previous is white
for(ll u=w;u > = 0;u--)
ll rem_white = n - j;
ll rem_yellow = m - (i-j);
if(rem_yellow < 0 || rem_white < 0)
if(rem_yellow==0 && rem_white==0)
if(u==w) //already white prev freq is w
//previously white, now use another white
dp[i][j][k][u] = (dp[i][j][k][u]%mod + dp[i+1][j+1][1][u+1]%mod)%mod;
else if(rem_white==0)
//previous white, now use yellow
dp[i][j][k][u] = (dp[i][j][k][u]%mod + dp[i+1][j][2][1]%mod)%mod;
//use white
dp[i][j][k][u] = (dp[i][j][k][u]%mod + dp[i+1][j+1][1][u+1]%mod)%mod;
//use yellow
dp[i][j][k][u] = (dp[i][j][k][u]%mod + dp[i+1][j][2][1]%mod)%mod;
else if(k==2)
//previous is yellow
for(ll u=y;u > = 0;u--)
ll rem_white = n - j;
ll rem_yellow = m - (i-j);
if(rem_yellow < 0 || rem_white < 0)
if(rem_yellow==0 && rem_white==0)
if(u==y) //already yellow prev freq is y
//previously yellow, now use another yellow
dp[i][j][k][u] = (dp[i][j][k][u]%mod + dp[i+1][j][2][u+1]%mod)%mod;
else if(rem_yellow==0)
//previous yellow, now use white
dp[i][j][k][u] = (dp[i][j][k][u]%mod + dp[i+1][j+1][1][1]%mod)%mod;
//use yellow
dp[i][j][k][u] = (dp[i][j][k][u]%mod + dp[i+1][j][2][u+1]%mod)%mod;
//use white
dp[i][j][k][u] = (dp[i][j][k][u]%mod + dp[i+1][j+1][1][1]%mod)%mod;
ll ans = (dp[0][0][1][0]);
Easy solution
recursion + memoisation
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define all(x) begin(x),end(x)
int n,m,w,y;
int dp[101][101][11][11];
int mod=1e9+7;
int f(int i,int j,int nw,int ny){
if(i>n||j>m) return 0;
if(i==n&&j==m) return 1;
if(dp[i][j][nw][ny]!=-1) return dp[i][j][nw][ny];
if(nw==w) return dp[i][j][nw][ny]=f(i,j+1,0,ny+1);
if(ny==y) return dp[i][j][nw][ny]=f(i+1,j,nw+1,0);
return dp[i][j][nw][ny]=(f(i+1,j,nw+1,0)+f(i,j+1,0,ny+1))%mod;
void solve(){
int32_t main(){
return 0;