Question: Paytm SDE | Online Round | Set-3 | 18-08-2020
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Paytm Visited Thapar Institute , Patiala on 18-08-2020.

The difficulty level of this set was higher as compared to others..

Online Round (3 Coding Questions)

1. Given an array of positive integers , find the maximum sum of a contagious subarray that has all the elements unique.

2. In an array of integers, form 2 subsets of equal size .
In case of odd size one subset can have 1 element extra.
All elements of the array should belong to exactly one subset .
Your task is to minimize the difference of sums of these subsets.

3. For a given string find the no of occurrences of it in a 2-D grid of characters .
The string may be formed by moving either horizontally or vertically and same block can't be used more than once while forming a single occurrence.
ADD COMMENTlink 4.6 years ago Shubhendu Goel • 450
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@2190fe94 which languages were allowed?
ADD COMMENTlink 4.5 years ago namansingh.singh9 • 30

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