NameTimes AwardedDescription
Guru4received more than 100 upvotes
Centurion4created 100 posts
Librarian0created a post with more than 10 bookmarks
Commentator16created a comment with at least 3 up-votes
Gold Standard0created a post with more than 25 bookmarks
Oracle0created more than 1,000 posts (questions + answers + comments)
Teacher49created an answer with at least 3 up-votes
Good Question16asked a question that was upvoted at least 5 times
Great Question57created a question with more than 5,000 views
Appreciated51created a post with more than 5 votes
Cylon0received 1,000 up votes
Epic Question6created a question with more than 10,000 views
Rising Star5created 50 posts within first three months of joining
Voter2voted more than 100 times
Autobiographer1has more than 110 characters in the information field of the user's profile
Supporter8voted at least 25 times
Prophet0created a post with more than 20 followers
Student33asked a question with at least 3 up-votes
Pundit0created a comment with more than 10 votes
Good Answer14created an answer that was upvoted at least 5 times
Scholar24created an answer that has been accepted
Popular Question33created a question with more than 1,000 views