Question: Google | OA | 2022 | Balanced brackets | Maximize equal numbers | Diagonal number
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Question 1

Balanced brackets

You are given a string S of length M. It consists of only two

  • (: Opening bracket
  • ): Closing bracket

S is a balanced bracket sequence. Formally, a sequence of brackets is balanced-if the following conditions are met:


  • It contains no unmatched brackets.
  • The subset of brackets enclosed within the confines of a matched pair of brackets is also a matched pair of brackets.

You are required to insert the character '+' in S such that there exists at least one '+'  enclosed within each pair of matched
bracket sequence. Find the minimum number of ' characters to be inserted in S to satisfy the provided condition.

Input format


  • The first line contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. For each test case :-
  • The of first line of each test case contains an integer -N denoting the length of string S
  • The next line of each test case contains a string S. 

Output format

For each test case. print the minimum number of characters that must be be inserted in string S in a new line.


1 ≤ T < 10
1≤ N ≤ 10
N is even


 Sample Input          Sample Output
1                            2


Question 2

Maximize equal numbers

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You are given the following:

  • An array a consisting of n elements
  • Integer k

For each (1 ≤ i ≤ n), perform the following operation exactly one

  • Replace a, by a, + x where z € [-k, k) which denotes should lie in the range of -k and k, both inclusive.


Determine the maximum length of the subsequence of array a, such that all numbers in that subsequence are equal after applying the given operation.



  •  A subsequence of array a is an array that can be derived from array a by removing some elements from it. (maybenone or all of them)
  • Assume 1 based indexing




  • n = 4
  • k = 1
  • Array a = [2, 5, 1, 2]


Applying one operation on indices 1, 2, and 4, with x = 0 to get
array a as [2, 5, 1, 2].

Applying one operation on index 3, with x = 1 to get array a as [2, 5, 2, 2]

Therefore, the maximum length of the subsequence with equal numbers is 3.

Function description

Complete the Maximize qualNumbers function provided in the editor. This function takes the following 3 parameters and returns the maximum length of the subsequence:

  • n. Represents the size of array a
  • k. Represents the integer k
  • a. Represents the array a of length n

Input format

Note: This is the input format that you must use to provide custom input (available above the Compile and Test button).


0 ≤ k ≤ 109

1 ≤ a≤ 109  

Sample Input              Sample Output
2                               2
4 0                             2
2 2 5 6
3 2
1 5 6



The first line represents the number of test cases
For test case 1:

Applying one operation with x - 0 on index 1, 2, 3, and 4 to get array
as [2, 2,5, 6]

Question 3

Diagonal number

Consider a square matrix of size N sorted diagonally (bottom left to the top right). The diagonals in the matrix are numbered and filled with integer values from 1 to Nas given below.
For example, consider a square matrix of size N = 3 then we have


the following matrix.                                            You are given Q queries

and each query has an Integer x.


Determine the diagonal number to which x belongs.


  • The matrix is filled diagonally (bottom left to the top right). A diagonal is filled only all the previous diagonals are filled


  • The diagonals are filled starting with integer value 1 and so on

Input Format 

Note: This is the input format that you must use to provide custom input (available above the Compile and Test button).
• The first line contains an integer N denoting the size of the matrix.
• The next line contains an integer Q denoting the number queries.
• The next line contains Q space-separated integers denoting x for each query.

Output format

For each query, print a single integer in a new line representing
the diagonal number to which x belongs.


  •   N   106
  •   Q   106  
  •   X   N2


Sample Input             Sample Output

5                              1
3                              6
1 16 25                        9



Consider a square matrix of size N = 5

For Query 1,1  occurs in the diagonal numbered 1

For Query 2,16  occurs in the diagonal numbered 6

For Query 3,25  occurs in the diagonal numbered 9



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Problem 2


Since every element can be from a{i}-k to a{i}+k we will calculate the range of numbers an element can be and then calculate the maximum overlapping range.


  • The idea is to store coordinates in a new vector of pair mapped with characters ‘x’ and ‘y’, to identify coordinates.
  • Sort the vector.
  • Traverse the vector, if an 'x' coordinate is encountered it means a new range is added, so update count and if 'y' coordinate is encountered that means a range is subtracted.
  • Update the value of the count for every new coordinate and take the maximum.


void solve() {
    int n, k;
    cin >> n >> k;
    int ans = 0;
    vector<int> a(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        cin >> a[i];
    /*since every element can be from a{i}-k to a{i}+k we will
    calculate the range of numbers an element can be and then
    calculate the maximum overlapping range */
    vector<pair<int, char>> v;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        v.push_back({a[i] - k, 'x'});
        v.push_back({a[i] + k, 'y'});
    sort(v.begin(), v.end());
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
        // if x occur it means a new range
        // is added so we increase count
        if (v[i].second == 'x')
        // if y occur it means a range
        // is ended so we decrease count
        if (v[i].second == 'y')
        // updating the value of ans
        // after every traversal
        ans = max(ans, count);
    cout << ans << endl;



O(n log n) n is the size of the array.

ADD COMMENTlink 15 months ago Akash 240
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A vector of pair is not required I believe, You can just sort the given array and use a sliding window approach to maximise the overlapping intervals.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
  using namespace std;

  int main() {

    int n,k;
    vector<int> v(n);
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
    int left = 0;
    int maxlen = 1;
    for(int right = 0; right<n;){
      if(v[left]+k >= v[right]-k){
        if(maxlen <= (right-left+1)) maxlen = right - left + 1;
      else {
    // if(maxlen <= int(right-left+1)) maxlen = right - left + 1;
    cout << maxlen << "\n";

    return 0;



ADD REPLYlink 13 months ago
• 20
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# problem description :

[n, k] = [int(i) for i in input().split(" ")]
a = [ int(i) for i in input().split(" ")]

l = []
for i in range(n):
    l.append([a[i]-k, 'S'])
    l.append([a[i]+k, 'E'])
ans = 0
current = 0
for i in range(len(l)) :
    if l[i][1] == "S" :
        current += 1
    else :
        current -= 1
    ans = max(ans, current)


Hi I am getting Wrong answer in test case 1 itself. Can you help in find out the error. Thanks in advance.

ADD REPLYlink 12 months ago
Haritha Kallamadi
• 0
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Problem 2

Used a Sliding window kind of approach

import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
      int n=sc.nextInt();
      int k=sc.nextInt();
      int[] arr=new int[n];
      for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
      int idx=1;
      int ans=1;
      int l=0, r=1;


ADD COMMENTlink 6 months ago Mayank Jain • 10
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Problem 2


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define int long long

signed main() {

    int n,k;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
    int ans = 1;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
        int count = 0;
        int it = (arr.begin()+i) - upper_bound(arr.begin(),arr.begin()+i,arr[i]-k-1);
        count += it;
        it = upper_bound(arr.begin()+i,arr.end(),arr[i]+k) - (arr.begin()+i);
        count += it;
        ans = max(ans,count);
    return 0;



Getting Wrong answer on 15th test case

ADD COMMENTlink 8 weeks ago Manpreet Singh Saluja • 0

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