Question: Salesforce | 9th October | Intern Online Assessments
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Question 1

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Given a string, decode it following the steps mentioned below

  • reverse the given string
  • convert the numerical representation to ascii characters

The value range of A to Z is 65 to 90

The value range of a to z is 97 to 122

The value of space is 32


encoded string = '23511011501782351112179911801562340161171141148'


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Question 2

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Given 3 points a(x1,y1), b(x2, y2), c(x3, y3) check if they form a non-degenerate triangle or not. If they do form a triangle then check if points p(xp, yp) and q(xq, yq) lie inside or on the triangle.


  • 0 if triangle is non degenrate
  • 1 if p is inside triangle and q is not
  • 2 if q is inside triangle and p is not
  • 3 if p,q are inside triangle
  • 4 if none are inside
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  • We are given a string of ASCII values.
  • We have to decode the string for this first step is to reverse the string and the second convert the numeric representation of ASCII to the character.
  • we are not given the string length so we assume it to be 10^5.
  • Another thing other than the ASCII value of a to z and A to Z we are also given the ASCII value of space which is 32.


  • Solution to this problem is quite greedy.
  • First, we will reverse the string reverse(str.begin(),str.end()) .
  • Secondly, we start traversing the string from starting and keep converting string characters into numeric form. There can be many ways to do this one of that would be num = num * 10 + (str[i] - '0');
  • Keep in mind that we are travelling every index one by one so we are getting one digit from 0 to 9 at one time so we need to concatenate that and also reset when we get a space
  • keep printing every char when the num is between range from a to Z and provide space when we encounter an ASCII value of 32 .
  • Time Complexity : O(N)
ADD COMMENTlink 2.4 years ago Akshay Sharma 990
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Question 2


  • We are given 3 points say X(x1,y1) Y(x2,y2) Z(x3,y3) in a graph .
  • We need to first find if this 3-point forms a non-degenerated triangle or not (which means a triangle that has a positive area or not ).
  • Other than these we are given two other points coordinator says P and Q.
  • For point P and Q we need to check if these point lies inside the circle or not.
  • print 1, if p is inside the circle and q, is outside the triangle.
  • Print 0 if the triangle is non-degenerate
  • Print 2, if q is inside the triangle and p, is not
  • Print 3 if p,q is inside the triangle
  • Print 4 if none are inside.


  • For this solution first, we need to find if the triangle is valid or not.
  • For that key observation is that three points form a triangle only when they don’t lie on a straight line, that is an area formed by the triangle of these three points is not equal to zero.
  • Now for the points P and Q we can only say that this point lies inside a triangle we need to calculate the area of triangles X,Y, and Z says A.
  • Formula for this will be Area A = [ x1(y2 – y3) + x2(y3 – y1) + x3(y1-y2)]/2 .
  • Similarly, we will find the area for point P in respect of XYZ triangle that is A1=>PYX,A2=>PYZ,A3=> PXZ.
  • If P lies inside the triangle, then A1 + A2 + A3 must be equal to A.
  • Similar we can check this for Q and after that print the answer based on the condition.
  • Time Complexity: O(1)

ADD COMMENTlink 2.4 years ago Akshay Sharma 990

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